Thursday, May 31, 2012

No. Your Legs Do Not Look Amazing.

So basically I was going to rant about people who take pictures of their legs while they were sitting or laying down, but I realized that my competition blog started...yesterday so I posted it there instead. If you're interested, check it out here!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Taking a Dump

or read about stuff related to pooping...

I'm sure I'm not the only one who takes a dump in public restrooms. In my opinion it's a little embarrassing and just gross. It stinks up the bathroom, and makes the restrooms even less friendly. I try to avoid using them because of they smell awful! It's not always from the poop (hehe I said it) but either way, a lot of times I feel like puking from the smells. I don't want to offend anyone who has gone #2 because for the first time today...I did too. TMI...I know, but that's what you get for reading my blog. I won't go into one really needs to know that, but no one else was in the restroom and I went fast so it didn't smell.

This brings me to the point of this post (which I only came up with just now). Public restrooms should have the fans that we have in our houses, and a button in each stall to turn on the fan so people can be saved from the embarrassment. It'll keep the smell of bathrooms bearable and allow people to not be embarrassed.

I think I might have shared a little too much today, but I'll never meet any of you, plus I'm pretty sure none of you even know my I think I might start posting more random post from now on.

That is all.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Why Isn't Math a Word!?!?

While typing on Blogger, I've noticed that many words aren't  recognized as real words. For example, math. I guess mathematics works, but everyone says math now! So it is a word!!! Also anything related to Blogger isn't a word either! I mean come on! It's its own website and it doesn't recognize its own name! I think I might just start a list with these words that are words.

BTW: Can anyone tell me if it's blog or blogg?
So I added a bunch of the words that weren't considered words into the dictionary already but I can still find them again through my other bogs. Here are the ones I know at the moment:

  • blogging
  • blogger
  • blog
  • math
  • color (colour=ok)
  • gray (grey=ok)
  • favorite (favourite=ok)
  • ok (I know it's spelled okay but still...)

Is this site British?

Well that's all for now! Enjoy (:

Monday, May 28, 2012

My Knee-Pit is Sweaty...JK!

Have you ever wondered what the back of an elbow or the back of a knee is called? Well, I have. At the moment I'm satisfied with calling them elbow and knee pits, but I'm pretty sure there's a more technical name for it...if anyone knows they should totally tell me because I'm not interested enough to look it up myself. I think I'll start posting pictures that I've drawn and am particularly found of, but the quality will be kind of crappy cuz i don't have a scanner...Does anyone know the correct way to type cuz? like 'cuz, or 'cause (looks like these ones right), or something like that? Why can't cuz be a word? Everyone says it! We should all write a petition. Also, what's with all these words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings? Also words like read which can be read differently depending on the sentence. Now I'm just kind of rambling...oh well.P

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Story Time!

So I'm writing a story right now, and I need a name for an should be cool...
Any who I've only written the epilogue, but if you want to check it out go here:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Christopher Robin Has Schizophrenia?

Just a heads up, I will not be writing about Christopher Robin having schizophrenia...but this post is interesting, in my opinion.

I just got done watching a film about a man who had symptoms similar to schizophrenia (I'm not exactly sure if that was the exact disease because the film was in Chinese). This prompted me to think, what if I'm schizophrenic? I wouldn't know unless the people around me noticed and took me to a doctor, but, what if the people around me were all a part of my hallucinations, and I've just been living in my own little word, all by myself for my whole life? What if, I'm not even a 16 year old girl, but this is how my brain perceives myself because of this disease? I honestly doubt that I am schizophrenic, but that's how most people with this disease feel. There's always a chance that my reality isn't actually real.

This lead me to think about other things like, what if the things the schizophrenics see aren't fake, but just glimpse of an alternate universe that has crossed over into ours and is communicating with that person? What if what we believe are hallucinations, are actually real, but only few especially evolved people can experience it? obviously there is research on this that will prove most if not all my theories false, but it's still interesting to think about these questions. How can anyone ever be sure of anything? It's proven throughout history that what everyone believes is not always right. For example, it was believed that the Earth was flat and at the centre of the universe. That was obviously wrong, so why can't what we know about schizophrenia be wrong? But, like I said, we have advanced technology and extensive research that can prove my many theories wrong, but it's still nice to think about.
I also have many theories on the universe, but I'll write about those some other time...

BTW: This post wasn't meant to insult anyone, if it did. And the title with the Christopher Robin thing... well, it may or may not be true, but I did find it interesting when I heard about it. I like having interesting titles to catch people's attention, so I chose that.

What do you guys think about schizophrenia and other mental disorders, and how would you react if you found out you had one?

Hope you enjoyed reading!


I created this blog because I wanted a place where I can just write about random thoughts that I have that may or may not be interesting. Basically theories about the universe and psychological stuff too. None of this is real, or may be real, but is not backed by any kind of proof. It's just a girl with too much time on her hands who comes up with crazy theories.